Nodame Cantabile Manga – Azuki
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Nodame Cantabile

The son of a famous pianist, music student Shinichi Chiaki dreams of studying abroad and becoming a conductor like his mentor. Unfortunately, his fear of flying grounds his lofty plans! As he watches other classmates achieve what he has always wanted, Shinichi wonders if he should quit music altogether. Then one day he meets fellow student Megumi Noda, also known as Nodame. This oddball girl cannot cook, clean, or even read a music score, but she can play the piano in incomparable Cantabile style. And she teaches Chiaki something that he has forgotten: to enjoy his music, no matter where he is.


Volumes Beta


Nodame Cantabile vol. 1-7 Translation and Adapter: David and Eriko Walsh Lettering: Michaelis/Carpelis Design Nodame Cantabile vol. 8-11 Translation and Adapter: David and Eriko Walsh Lettering: North Market Street Graphics Nodame Cantabile vol. 12-16 Translation and Adapter: Ikoi Hiroe Lettering: North Market Street Graphics Nodame Cantabile vol. 17 Translation: Jennifer Ward Lettering: YKS Services Editing: Alexandra Swanson

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